
While we do not accept donations directly at this time, we encourage you to donate to one of your local rape crisis centers if you are inspired by our work! To locate the center nearest to you, visit


We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for contributing to their local organizations with the help of Art Against Assault:

Diablo Valley College

The University of Utah

The University of North Texas

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Syracuse University

The School of the Art Institute in Chicago

Maryland Institute College of the Arts

The University of California, Berkeley

Mills College

Todd Huffman

Crutcher Dunnavant

Charles Lyons

Brian Fidler

Nicole Atencio-Olewiler

Markus Freise

Kim Berman

Deb Bolgla

Karna Grenier

Amandine Piomelli

Jonathan Taylor

S A Friedman

Lieven Leroy

Charmaine Chia

Ari Lacenski

Brooklyn Wildlife

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